

Knowledge, information and insight to level-up your coffee game.

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How are flat whites, cappuccinos & lattes different?

There are a number of classic espresso-based beverages that have been popular among coffee consumers for decades. Three of the most prominent are the latte, the flat white, and the cappuccino. Read on to learn more about the composition of these classic coffee drinks, and what you should keep in mind when preparing them.

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Why is coffee freshness important?

Roasted coffee is considered to be fresh when you can taste its original, unimpaired characteristics and qualities, but over time, will lose the nuances and complexities in its flavour profile. So, what can you do to prevent this?

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What are coffee varieties?

There are so many factors to keep in mind when you’re buying coffee, from origin and processing to roast profile and your brewing method. However, one aspect that is often overlooked is the coffee “variety” or sub-subspecies

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Coffee, health & wellness: A breakdown

The health effects of coffee have been a subject of debate for years. Alongside the impact of caffeine on the human body, there has been no shortage of research on how drinking coffee affects your heart, brain, liver, kidneys, and more.

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What can you expect from different specialty coffee origins?

Across the world, third wave coffee culture has kickstarted a consumer focus on provenance. Coffee drinkers are now starting to take an interest in where their coffee comes from, why it tastes the way that it does, and the journey from seed to cup.

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Cold brew vs. cold drip: What’s the difference?

Cold brew remains one of the hottest new trends in the North American coffee sector, having grown exponentially in the last ten years, however, we’ve also seen the rise of “cold drip” coffee – a beverage with some key similarities and differences.

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Can you recycle used coffee grounds?

Every year, we produce millions of tonnes of used coffee grounds, the vast majority of which are sent to landfill. But is this truly necessary?

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